This too Shall Pass..

Below is some bits & pieces from Managing Partner letter to our investors in this uncertain time..

The current move in the financial markets is unprecedented and not seen by many market veterans in their lifetime. The impact of corona virus epidemic and lockdown of countries on the global economy is tough to estimate, which is making the market react to this known-unknown.

In this whole COVID-19 episode, at present, India has managed quite well with the number of reported cases till date being 169 and 3 deaths, most of whom had a history of travel to the affected countries. The next couple of weeks are crucial for India to determine whether it can contain the spread and limit the loss of economic activities.

We cannot time the bottom of the market and that may happen tomorrow or next week or next month. But we are confident that in a few years from now and in hindsight, this will be looked back as a great opportunity to buy quality companies.

As the saying goes “This too shall pass.

“ #globaleconomy #globalmarkets #india #emergingmarkets #equity #investments #valuations

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